Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Firebolts, Hippogriffs, and Dolorians

Harry Potter flies a lot.  Obviously, he flies on his broom.  The first time he ever flew was during his first week at Hogwarts.  He had lived with his terrible aunt, uncle, and cousin for 10 years before, staying in the cupboard under the stairs.  He hated his life -- he had no friends, and was constantly beaten up by his cousin.  When he was rescued by Hagrid, he instantly felt freer.  However, it wasn't until he went to a flying lesson that he really felt free. When he was on the broom chasing Malfoy around, he knew flying was for him.  He felt completely safe and at ease in the air.
In the second book, flying literally was freedom for Harry.  He had been locked in the bedroom, with a dogflap on the door for food and bars on his window.  He was there for about a week before Ron and the twins showed up to save him.  They took him away in the flying car, where he literally was given freedom from his family.
And of course, Buckbeak did a lot of flying too.  When Harry was forced to ride him at the lesson, he totally forgot about his studies and that Sirius was apparently out to kill him.  He could just breathe the air and relax and be free.  And at the end of the book, Harry and Hermione went back in time to save Sirius, and they flew him away on Buckbeak, saving him from the Death Eaters.  It also was literally freedom.
I could go on about Harry Potter forever, but I'll stop here.

I also wanted to write about how in Back to the Future, Marty and the Doc have to find a lot of road for them to be able to reach 88 mph, but then when Doc comes back from 2015, he's made the car be able to fly (I'm still expecting flying cars 5 years from now.  It's gonna happen.), and they no longer have to worry about space, and are free from the road.


  1. Wow George, I never realized how much flying went on in Harry Potter! I'd like to mention that when Hagrid takes him away from Privit Drive, it's on a flying motorcycle... but he also dropped Harry off at the Dursley's in a flying motorcycle. And it always sort of freaked me out that Voldemort could fly - I guess it makes him seem like he's free from all the earthly contrictions that make us foot-bound.

  2. I'm loving the Back to the Future reference. Always solid.

  3. Haha You must have done this recently. I just saw BTTF part one and two the other dya. I love those movies. But yeah good catch on that and the Harry Potter references. Haha btw, you so would too (HPNut)

    But yeah, I was trying to think of a book I could use for this chapter because it seemed really undestandable but I couldn't think of one. I don't read very many books that people fly in. I had countless movie references though. I'm glad you used Harry Potter. It fits perfectly and is used a lot.
