Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How Many Definitions Can One Word Have?

When I chose the topic of growth for my project, I had a clear objective.  I wanted to find out if growth could be defined as change in both a positive and a negative direction.  Even just with creating interview questions, I realized how giant my topic was.  There were so many directions I could choose to go in: negative vs. positive, natural vs. forced, personal vs. religious...In the end, I think I dove into each argument at least a little bit.

Nothing that I discovered throughout the project really shocked me.  I did come across many views that I disagreed with.  One belief I saw many times (by both professional writers and my friends) is that it takes effort to grow.  While I definitely agree that effort is a huge force in growth, I don't believe it's necessary. I have trouble believing that someone can go through four years of high school (or any part of life, really) without growing.  I also heard that religion is necessary for growth. In the same sense, I completely disagree with that point.  While religion can definitely shape growth in many ways, it can't be necessary.

Overall, I really enjoyed this project.  I'm usually not one for poetry and art, so I was shocked to find myself having fun browsing poems and the DIA.  My favorite part, though, was reading Skippy Dies.  At 660 pages, it was a difficult task.  But now that I've finished it, I find myself missing the characters.  The novel rotated points of view between many characters.  While I find myself missing some more than others, I connected with all of them.

Even though this project seemed incredibly daunting in the beginning (and the middle), I feel it was a great experience to discover and explore all the connotations of a single word.  It was certainly much better than a final exam. :)

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